
Kokoro (ココロ, Kokoro) is one of the main characters in DARLING in the FRANXX. She is a former Parasite with the codename "556" of the Thirteenth Plantation, where she was partnered in boy-girl pair with Mitsuru to pilot a FRANXX called Genista. She was previously partnered with Futoshi.


Kokoro has a fair complexion, calm, rich blue eyes and is considered to be attractive. She has long, wavy, ashen-blonde hair and long bangs framing her forehead and face. She wears a lacy blue headband to keep her hair out of her face.

When piloting her FRANXX Genista, she wears a white bodysuit with light green accents and keeps her hair in a braided ponytail.

In Episode 24 during her pregnancy, Kokoro was usually seen with a braid laid on her right shoulder without wearing her headband. She also wore pregnancy clothes which were given to her to use from 007.

As an adult, her hair is cut to shoulder-length.


Kokoro is a very gentle person with a kind and optimistic personality to match. She is interested in plants and the "language of flowers". She doesn't speak too often, choosing to think before speaking. Her kindness is treated with a welcome by her more feisty comrades. During scenes of tension, she is never the breaker or starter and sits by watching usually. She was depicted as someone going with the flow, which is seen when she couldn't voice her disapproval when Squad 13 explored the ruins of a town and during the Girls vs Boys fight.[2][3] She also had an inability to speak out her mind and performance to avoid conflict. Like the other kids, she didn't know how to translate her feelings of love.

Kokoro holds back a myriad of feelings, admitting to Mitsuru that she is often dishonest with most around her. The incident where she feigned loyalty to Futoshi by breaking her promise to be partners with him forever by partnering with Mitsuru instead left her feeling bad. She even admits that she's not the sweet, innocent and nice girl everyone thinks she is. Even if she wanted to help Mitsuru, she still knowingly hurt Futoshi and claimed that it would be right for him to get angry with her. Through dishonesty with Futoshi, she reforms herself a little in praising Mitsuru for being so outspoken and honest with her about his suffering and lack of trust in others.

Through her interactions with Mitsuru, Kokoro slowly becomes more assertive and begins to honestly speak her mind. A notable trait is also that she becomes much bolder, more straightforward and somewhat impulsive, which is seen where after Mitsuru had said some very nice words to her, Kokoro simply kissed him in response and didn’t hesitate. After finding a book on pregnancy and childbirth, Kokoro develops a fascination with it and wonders why humans stopped having babies. Knowing her purpose in life is to pilot the FRANXX and to die in battle, Kokoro develops a desire to bear a child to leave a mark for the future. She also explicitly lets Mitsuru know of her desire to join her body with his and create a new life.

After becoming a couple with Mitsuru, their wedding is interrupted by APE and their memories of each other are erased. She retains her kindness but is utterly focused on her duties and loyalty to Papa, and as a result is more distant with Mitsuru than anyone else. Once learning she is pregnant with Mitsuru’s child, she is distraught at having lost her purpose in life (the ability to pilot the FRANXX) and rejects Mitsuru’s support because of their memory loss. Even when Mitsuru is unwavered by her coldness towards him, she admits that she believes their memory loss serves as justification for him to have no obligation to be responsible and she had no anticipation that he would want to be. She also struggled to feel any affection for her unborn child and the indecision on whether to terminate the pregnancy or not left her deeply saddened. However, when Mitsuru proves his resolution to stay with her and their child forever, they reconcile and rekindle their relationship. Although his concern for her bordered to overly protectiveness, Kokoro comes to truly appreciate his support and the birth of their daughter ultimately brings them closer together. They are able to form a genuinely happy marriage and she is a loving mother to their children.



Kokoro and Miku as children.

Like the other parasites, Kokoro was raised in the Garden to become a Pistil. She received the code name of "556," indicating that she did not receive special treatment from the adults. At some point, Hiro gives her the name of "Kokoro”. She is also shown to have been close friends with Miku since childhood.

Episode 01: Alone and Lonesome


Kokoro worries about Hiro.

The Parasites of Squad 13 discuss about the "Partner Killer" whose partner will die after the third time. Futoshi says he wouldn't ride with her. Goro walks in and asks if Ichigo got a hold of Hiro and she replies that she didn't. Futoshi says that he didn't attend that day's briefing, so maybe he's going to turn down the chance. Kokoro says it's sad if he leaves.

At Cerasus, the parasites attend their welcoming meeting where they are praised by Papa. The adults cheer for them.

During a klaxosaur attack, Kokoro overwatches as Strelizia easily defeats it. They are shocked when it's revealed that Hiro was piloting it.

Episode 02: What it Means to Connect

In the girls' changing room, Kokoro says that connecting in a FRANXX feels weird and hopes that they get used to it soon, since it's not at all like how their training units felt like. Miku fondles her stomach and describes it as her body being stirred up from the inside. Ichigo says it did feel a bit weird, but put her at ease like being one with someone. Kokoro says that she wishes her numbers were as high as hers and that she and Goro must be really compatible.

Ep2 drill status

Initial para-capacities of FRANXXs. The overall para-capacity in Genista is the lowest.

Hachi says he'll be giving overall strategic instructions and now begin the drill, and that field decisions will be made by the leader unit, Delphinium. As they connect, some of the pistils shriek lightly. Hachi tells them that if two partners are even slightly out of sync, their para-capacity will fluctuate wildly. Kokoro and Futoshi manage to connect in their FRANXX and they compliment each other.

Kokoro later watches Hiro's mock exam battle against Miku and Zorome in their respective FRANXXs. Hachi declares it a draw.

Episode 03: Fighting Puppet

The Parasites discuss about the mock battle and if Hiro will truly be able to become a Parasite. Zorome and Miku begins to argue as they blame each other for their "loss". Kokoro warns them not to fight because it will affect their numbers.

Hachi later informs the Parasites that he received sortie orders from HQ. Nana tells them that the Klaxosaur won't be as big as the one they already saw. Hachi tells them that the klaxosaurs are attracted by magma energy reactions and appear in their vicinity. Lately, the klaxosaurs had been showing up deep in a Level 8 mine on the outskirts and wreaking havoc. Nana says that Strelizia won't be a part of the mission. Because they'll have to defend Plantation 13 by themselves eventually, so it can show whether they can handle fighting themselves in the future.

Kokoro connects with Futoshi and they head out along with only Delphinium and Argentea, since Chlorophytum had to stay behind. They head out to a big hole and marvel at it, realizing that they use the pipes to extract magma reserves. Hachi tells them to head down to the 8th floor to defeat it. They are able to defeat it but many more suddenly fall from the ceiling, so the Parasites plan on fleeing. Nana says that they attracted more because they released their magma energy. Zero Two says that she should have sent her from the start since they are now in a life or death situation. She gets permission to pilot, but with Mitsuru. Hachi soon tells them that Strelizia is about to help. Ichigo is bothered by this and causes them to fall, and this lets the klaxosaur to get in, so they flee. Many follow and a very large one is about to bite Ichigo. Strelizia appears and kills some and Mitsuru tells them to get back and Hachi tells them to evacuate.

When they retrieve Streliza, Kokoro sees Zero Two walking out, though Mitsuru is gravely injured and unconscious.

Episode 04: Flap Flap

Mitsuru had been traumatized with riding with Zero Two. When confronted by Hiro about it, he suddenly grabs Hiro's collar and says that she had a smile on her face all the time. Kokoro yells out to Mitsuru and Futoshi tells him to calm down as he hands the tray to Zorome. Mitsuru says that it will happen to Hiro too, if he decides to ride with her again and is out of mind.

The Parasites later discuss about Hiro and Zero Two, as well as the partner killing rumor. Miku says Zero Two is not human because she possesses klaxosaur blood. Ichigo says Hiro is well aware of all these rumors and situations but he still wants to ride with Zero Two. Ichigo reminds everyone that if things do not change, they could also die at any time, to which Kokoro agrees on. Ichigo says that they need to defeat klaxosaurs without Strelizia and cannot mess up again so as to survive. Ichigo asks others to help her and work in a team.

To prepare for the kissing with Plantation 26, Plantation 13 switches to mobile setup. HQ soon detects a worm-type klaxosaur heading towards Plantation 13 and Hachi tells them to connect to defeat the klaxosaurs. They are ravaged by more klaxosaurs in hiding and are struggling, until Strelizia quickly saves them and destroys the klaxosaurs.

Episode 05: Your Thorn, My Badge

Cerasus carries out the kissing with Chrysanthemum and the parasites watch as the plantations connect.

The Parasites of the 13th and 26th Plantation attend a grand ceremony. The next day, Kokoro says that the ceremony on the previous day was so exciting that she couldn't sleep. Miku says that 090 seemed nice and Kokoro asks if she would like to ride with him. She says that it is better than the boys they are stuck with, and tries to get Ikuno's opinion. They later discuss about Hiro achievements in the battles so far and Kokoro praises him and says that he shone in the previous battle. Hiro later enters and tells everyone that he will try his hardest to fight alongside them all and not be a burden. This makes Mitsuru angry and he leaves, and Kokoro notices him walk.

During breakfast, Zero Two takes in Futoshi's seat, so Kokoro invites Futoshi to sit beside her. After praying and thanking Papa, Zero Two begins feeding Hiro to which Zorome says that he wants to try something like that. Goro asks why he does not ask Miku then. He says that he would rather ask a cute girl like Kokoro. He notices that she is feeding Futoshi, much to his annoyance. Miku teases that Kokoro is too easily influenced.

Later in the greenhouse, Kokoro sees Mitsuru as he panicky asks why Hiro could ride with Zero Two and not him. He takes pills and chokes on them. Kokoro, who wanted to irrigate the plants, says that she saw him walk in and she asks if he is okay. She offers him her help since he does not lean on others, but he interrupts and asks if she is pitying him. She denies this, but he walks past her and tells her to leave him alone.

Hachi later announces that Squad 13's and Squad 26's Parasites will fight the klaxosaurs that had been detected. He explains that there are 100 to 150, and that they are expected to arrive at 33 hours from then.

Episode 06: DARLING in the FRANXX

A large Klaxosaur crushes a tall building and approaches with an arrival time of 0210 hours. The bulwark in the last line of defense is 85 percent complete and will be completed by 2200 hours. Squads 26 and 13 are to stand by for combat by 2030.

Kokoro gets dressed as she says that the number of klaxosaurs is higher than estimated and wonders if they'll be okay and come back alive. In their FRANXX, Hachi announces that, besides from the Conrad-class pack, they've also detected a large, tightly packed unit. He gives 090 field command and tells Strelizia to stay back.

Unit 26 takes out a few klaxosaurs and 090 tells them to deal with them calmly. Four get through and he asks that Squad 13 takes care of them and advises them. The stamen comment on his attitude and Mitsuru agrees that they are really new to it. As battle begins, Argentea crashes into Chlorophytum causing Zorome and Mitsuru to bicker. Though Genista is almost attacked, Delphinium jumps in and kills the klaxosaur, to which Kokoro thanks Ichigo for. Ichigo asks Zorome to bait the enemy without getting too close, since they're fast. She tells Mitsuru to stay close to Genista and back it up. Goro advises that she doesn't get too worked up. Strelizia then quickly defeats many klaxosaurs, but Zero Two and Hiro begin to disconnect.

Unit 26 begins attacking and the klaxosaur screams before becoming its Gutenberg-class humanoid form. 090 orders them to keep attacking, but they are roughly thrown into the ground. He orders them to get back, but he is unable to move as they're out of fuel. Before they are crushed, Argentea pulls them away. Hachi orders all squad 26 units to fall back and Squad 13 will deal with it. Though the group agrees that they need Strelizia, Ichigo orders that they stay put. She says it'll land the finishing blow. Zorome becomes angry, but Goro says that only Strelizia's spear can reach its core, so they'll make an opening for it. Ichigo privately thanks him for his plan. They begin crawling up it.

After Hiro recovered from his tumor, Strelizia creates an opening and defeats the klaxosaurs. Hiro and Zero Two walk out together and the squads groups celebrate.

Episode 07: Shooting Star Moratorium

After the successful kissing with Plantation 26, Unit 13 was given a special vacation. The kids seem happy and Futoshi and Zorome run to the water. Though Miku says that they're childish, Kokoro smiles and says that it's expected, as it's their first time seeing an ocean that's okay to swim in.

Kokoro serves a ball to Miku while Futoshi and Zorome admire their figures. Later, Miku and Kokoro call the group back since Mitsuru had found something "odd". Mitsuru leads the group through a thin pass, though Kokoro says that she's a bit scared of the dark. Mitsuru coldly replies that she didn't have to come if she didn't want to. Futoshi is angered by this and tells him to be nice to her, but Mitsuru says that he can't guarantee their safety.

They're lead to what appears to be a city. Kokoro asks if people live there, and Mitsuru replies that he'd never heard of anyone living outside the plantations. As everyone starts to explore various areas, Futoshi wonders where Kokoro went. Kokoro is revealed to be alone and comes by a medical office. She finds a book about childbirth and is thereafter suddenly called out by Mitsuru and he pulls her back before a bookcase falls on her. He asks her not to run off alone and she apologizes.

They walk back to the rest of the group and Miku says that she's exhausted and Kokoro agrees. The Parasites discuss about the city, confirming that it was part of civilization and that people in previous eras lived: on the surface. Back at the beach, food had been delivered. They all begin eating, and Miku teases Futoshi and Zorome by lying on Kokoro's lap. When Ichigo stands and officially welcomes Hiro and Zero Two to the squad, Kokoro says that she finds it reassuring that they're with them. The Parasites are then shown to sleep close together; Kokoro and Miku beside each other.

Episode 08: Boys × Girls

As the parasites are fighting a klaxosaur, it spews goo. It leaks into the cockpits and melts the girls' parasite suits. Though the boys begin spacing out, they don't tell the girls and they finish off the klaxosaur. Hiro finally tells Zero Two and the rest of the girls realize what's happened.

Ep8 kokoro

Kokoro is embarrassed by being called beautiful by Futoshi.

After the battle, the girls cover themselves with a towel and glare at their partners. The boys look embarrassed, and Goro explains they only didn't tell because they didn't want to distract them during the battle. Futoshi says he didn't because he found Kokoro to be amazingly beautiful, to which Kokoro turns red and looks away.

As the girls shower, they discuss what happened and wonder how long they had been ogling them. Kokoro says they're taking things a bit too far, and Miku suggest that they should live separately. The girls then begin splitting the area of the house between the boys and girls. Zorome begins to cross, but is threatened by Miku and stops. The girls talk about what's happened but notice that Zero Two is ignoring their split. As they go to reprimand her, the boys walk in from swimming in the lake wearing only boxers. Though Miku tells them to get dressed, he says they can do whatever they like on their side. As they clean the bath, Ichigo says that it must have been Goro's idea. When they go to eat, the boys are already there. Goro says that they've already taken over the area. Miku becomes annoyed, so Goro suggests that drop all the rules and eat together. Zero Two walks in and Miku attempts to follow her, but the other girls pull her back.

When Kokoro enters the greenhouse, she finds Mitsuru. He slips his medication into his pocket and Kokoro asks if he has an interest in plants as he tucks her baby book into her pocket. He denies it, as it is only a good place for being alone. Kokoro then tells Mitsuru that she begged Nana to let her take care of the greenhouse. She tells him about the meaning of some of the flowers and then asks if he doesn't mind chatting with her when the girls and boys are "feuding." He says it's stupid and can't be bothered. Kokoro is amazed and says it takes a lot of courage to refuse to toe the line and she was too scared to say anything. Mitsuru doesn't react and instead decides to walk out, and as she stands up, she drops her book. She quickly hides it but Mitsuru says that it doesn't matter to him and walks out.

At night, the girls get Zero Two to cooperate with them: she changes the girls only bath sign to allow boys and, when they enter naked, the girls are already bathing. They become angry and begin throwing bathing supplies at them. The parasites continue to bicker when Nana suddenly interrupts. She and Hachi scold the group after they get dressed. Later in the girl's room, Zero Two tells them if they half-ass things, they'll end up adults. She says to say what they want because they'll all die sooner or later before leaving the room.


Futoshi apologizes to Kokoro.

Kokoro finally musters up her courage to speak up about the whole feud: she tells the other girls that they need to begin working together again after looking at her book. She says that despite how flawed the boys are, they can only do things when they are together with boys, including piloting the FRANXX and, blushing, having children. Ichigo and Ikuno in the room feel that it is unusual for her to be so assertive. Miku however, refuses to end the fight. She flees and when the others become worried and decide to look for her, they find her in one of the sealed off rooms in the dorm, where they discover items related to the previous members of Squad 13, which were possibly killed in battle long ago. Kokoro comforts Miku who cries. After that, the boys and the girls finally make amends and resume their duties together.

Episode 09: Triangle Bomb

The parasites are happy to receive their gifts from Papa: Kokoro receives a sewing kit. She and Miku are happy about their gifts and smiles.

Later, Hachi tells the Parasites that they've detected a Gutenberg-class Klaxosaur 2,000 from there. Everyone gets ready and the FRANXX approach the klaxosaur and attempt to defeat it, but the klaxosaur multiply its jelly, and Goro quickly pushes them out but is stuck instead. He quickly launches Ichigo before it explodes.

To save Goro, Genista, Chlorophytum and Strelizia all help Ichigo to save Goro and get him out of the klaxosaur. Everyone later overwatches as Ichigo treats Goro's wounds and as they share a moment together.

Episode 10: The City of Eternity

Nana explains that everyone in Squad 13 has to wear their formal clothing the next day as Papa is going to award them medals. The ceremony will be held in the Plantation Parliament HQ, which means they can go into the city.

The next morning, the kids stand at the door and they remark that Zorome looks cooler than usual. Zorome smugly agrees, and while the other boys mock him, Kokoro giggles and say that he does look a lot cooler. Miku tells Kokoro not to flatter him, causing she and Zorome to bicker again. Hachi and Nana open the door and they all leave. The children marvel at the city. At the ceremony, the mayor congratulates them and thanks them for their efforts.

After the ceremony, Kokoro and the other girls push Nana to let them walk back, and she reluctantly agrees. The children look around as they walk back, though Zorome wanders off and is separated. When Ichigo later announces that they found Zorome, everyone is relieved.

Episode 11: Partner Shuffle


Kokoro and Futoshi in their FRANXX.

As all the unit stands on guard, Futoshi tells Kokoro that they've grown stronger and Kokoro praises him by saying that it is thanks to him carrying her through. Futoshi says that she's his responsibility to which she giggles and thanks him. Blushing and nervous, he asks that she promise to be his partner forever, and Kokoro again smiles and agrees. Futoshi is happy and promises to always protect her. Miku suddenly interrupts and says he's gross, and Zorome agrees and says to cut off his comm. Kokoro giggles, but Futoshi reprimands them for listening.

After their fight, they discuss about Mitsuru's recent condition and Goro remarks how he has always been fragile, and Ichigo adds that he was the only one who received the Elixir Injection, a highly concentrated drug that induced yellow blood cell production and greatly increases parasite aptitude, and came back. Kokoro says that the injection has only a survival rate of 15% and didn't know he had such a risky procedure.


Futoshi tells Kokoro that they don't need the partner shuffle.

Due to the possible incompatibility of Ikuno and Mitsuru, Nana suggests that they try a "partner shuffle", simply an option available to them. The children discuss their thoughts, and Futoshi says that they don't need to, since he promised to protect her forever. He asks Kokoro about how she feels and she reluctantly agrees. Nana asks if there is anyone who wants to try piloting with a different partner; Ikuno asks to try a pistil-pistil connection as a backup plan when they've lost a stamen. Nana agrees to let them try and asks if there's anyone else. Kokoro shyly puts up her hand and asks to try with Mitsuru. This surprises everyone, and Futoshi is hurt and begins crying and Kokoro apologizes.

As they try out the new pairs, Genista's score crossed the minimum required, and though it is in the lower range, it is stable.


Kokoro, and Mitsuru in the greenhouse.

In the greenhouse, Kokoro twirls around and hums with her doll, to which she says that the flowers smell nice. Mitsuru suddenly asks what she's doing, and she throws her doll in surprise. They sit together and she asks why he thinks humans stopped having children since it seemed like having a baby was the most natural thing. Mitsuru replies that it's probably because they don't need to anymore, and he tells her not to waste time thinking about unnecessary things, as one look at the adults makes it clear: they don't need others to live. He then asks why she volunteered to be his partner since it's had become troublesome as Futoshi hated him now. He asks if it was out of pity, but Kokoro denies this. Before she can continue, they are interrupted by sirens.

A Gutenberg-class klaxosaur approaches and Hachi commands to set up a defensive line 500 meters from the S-Planning and neutralize the target. He says that Genista and Chlorophytum will act as rear support. As Kokoro and Mitsuru go to their FRANXX, Futoshi stops him and tells him to protect Kokoro. Mitsuru scoffs by his ridiculous statement accordingly to himself, and Kokoro stops Futoshi and says she'll be fine. Futoshi tells her to be careful and says he'll do his best with Ikuno to which Kokoro smiles and nods.

The FRANXXs begin to attack the klaxosaurs; three get past and Chlorophytum goes after it and manage to kill one. Mitsuru struggles as well, and Kokoro says that there's no need to rush. Strelizia kills another one for them and Hiro asks if they're okay. Kokoro thanks him, and he tells Mitsuru to hand in there before rushing back. Mitsuru becomes annoyed and charges blindly at the klaxosaur, causing them to smash into it. An operator announces that Genista's positive pulse is dropping below the minimum. Though they are about to be squished, Chlorophytum shields them. Futoshi says that he'll protect her as they shoot into its foot.

As Kokoro suggest that they should start over again, Mitsuru disconnects from the FRANXX and its power shuts down. He tells her that if she places her hopes in him, she'll only be let down because he's incompetent. She disagrees and enters them into radio silence. Kokoro says that he can rely on others more, and that she wants to have a mutual understanding and believing between each other since they are partners. Mitsuru asks if she's joking. Mitsuru then proceeds to tell Kokoro about his past and promise with Hiro and how he was betrayed by him. As he holds his head in his hands and cries, Kokoro says that must have deeply hurt him and comforts him. She says that she acted similarly towards Futoshi and that she isn't the nice girl they think she is.


Mitsuru stops Kokoro from going into Stampede Mode.

She says that if someone did something like that to her, she wouldn't have any right to complain or blame them. He angrily asks if he should forgive him too, and she calmly replies that it's up to Mitsuru himself. She tells him that her point in saying this is that they aren't perfect as the adults, but she wants to have relationships with other people. As she says that she believes in him, she turns and begins to enter stampede mode. Mitsuru suddenly takes her out from her seat to prevent her from fully going into stampede mode. Her actions make Mitsuru shocked and he asks how she can trust someone so much. As Kokoro gives Mitsuru a wry smile, he remarks how unbelievable she is with a smile on his face.

Genista reconnects and they all work together to kill it. After the battle, Futoshi walks about to Mitsuru and asks why he was so reckless. Although Kokoro attempts to stop Futoshi, Mitsuru stops her. Futoshi punches Mitsuru in the face and Kokoro rushes to care for him. Futoshi shouts at him before Mitsuru slowly says that he promises to protect Kokoro from now. This surprises Kokoro and Futoshi falls to his knees and says that he loved her.

Episode 12: The Garden Where It All Began

The members of Squad 13 looking out of a large window within a vehicle, seeing the Garden, a parasite development facility where hundreds of children live where they grew up, as they approach it. They walk into the lab and Kokoro comments that very few children got to enter, though Hiro states that he did a few times. Nana then tells them that they were brought to run tests on them and says that they are banned from entering the Garden. Hiro says that they're probably just tagging along with Zero Two. Hachi confirms that she, in particular, will undergo thorough testing.

The Nines appear and 9'α says Zero Two must be there for maintenance as well, but she ignores them. Kokoro wonders who he is and Miku says he is handsome. Nana introduces them and through their conversation with Alpha, the Parasites realizes that the plantations on the continent are currently heading to a particular place.

Disobeying orders, Kokoro, with the other members of Squad 13, visit the old facilities where they were raised in, hoping to meet Naomi again. While Kokoro and Miku stroll around the Garden and see the kids being raised there, it makes them reminisce about their own childhoods. While exiting the Garden, Kokoro starts to wonder where all humans, including themselves, came from. She voices this to the others, but they are indifferent since everyone is convinced that Papa made them.

The next days, Genista is seen on missions along with the other FRANXXs. They are unaware of what is happening with Hiro and Zero Two.

Episode 14: Punishment and Confession

As Zero Two and Hiro realize they knew each other as children, Ichigo suddenly interrupts and throws her off of him and tries to revive Hiro. The other FRANXX wait. Zero Two later goes to talk to Hiro but is stopped by Ichigo. She blames her for his hospitalization and says she can't see him again. When Ichigo reveals that Hiro will lose his humanity, the rest of the parasites don't believe her and ask Zero Two. She tells them to shut up and mind their own business. Ichigo stops her again from seeing him and says that she isn't a member of their team. When Hiro wakes up, he is surrounded by his teammates.

Hachi announces they must neutralize every klaxosaur inhabiting Gran Crevasse. Nana says that it is a joint operation with the 9's and FRANXX squad from each plantation. He says that Squad 13 is scheduled to be part of the sixth wave. Ichigo then asks for Zero Two to be removed from Squad 13 as of that mission and, if not, Squad 13 will not participate in the operation. Nana says that she was set to return to the 9's as of the mission anyway. Zero Two protests, but the Parasites stop her from seeing Hiro.

When Zero Two starts to show how much she wants to meet Hiro and talk to him, Ichigo is reluctant but Kokoro and Goro wants to let her see him, stating that it's sad to see them apart. Goro says that she can meet him, but they're all going to be there. When they enter the room, it's empty since Hiro had escaped. Zero Two becomes enraged and says that they tricked her, and she proceeds to attack the Parasites unconscious. Hiro later walks in and scolds her for being such a monster.

Kokoro and the other Parasites watches Zero Two as she leaves the plantation.

Episode 15: The Bird that Shares Wings

At Cerasus's international briefing room, Hachi explains that their objective is to take control of Gran Crevasse. Though another group is attacking, they aren't making headway and Squad 13 is to group up with squads from other plantations. Kokoro asks what Gran Crevasse is to which Nana shows them a video where a large amount of klaxosaur are. Hachi explains that taking over Gran Crevasse is Papa's long-standing wish and would be a turning point in humanity's history.

In Cerasus's command room, the Parasites receive a message from mission command saying they're prepared to sortie. After a while of fighting, a big klaxosaur releases smaller klaxosaur inside the 13th Plantation. The FRANXX struggle against their large numbers and Zero Two takes out a large number of klaxosaurs. Kokoro says that they're being pushed back, but suddenly, everyone notices a training unit zip by them, realizing it's Hiro. Delphinium takes Hiro to Zero Two.

As Genista and Argentea attack klaxosaurs, one of the cores crack in half and something falls out of the center to which Ikuno comments it looks like a human. Suddenly, there is an explosion and it is announced by Papa that the backup plan is almost complete, and he says that they can let the plantation go now. The stamen of the plantation are confused as to why they're making in plantations self-destruct. Nines comments that APE are planning to end things without Strelizia's help.

Later, Zero Two and Hiro reconcile. Everyone is emotional and happy for them. Strelizia attacks and easily takes out the klaxosaur. The 9's begin attacking as well. The sages say that the door to Gran Crevasse has been opened and the day of humanity's liberation is upon them. Inside the mountain klaxosaur, they find that its core is a collective mass of cores. A large hand suddenly shoots up from the ground and it smashes a majority of the plantation, leaving Mistilteinn in ruins.

Episode 16: Days of Our Lives

After the battle, the 13th Plantation was left in ruins and the Parasites still continue living in Mistilteinn. They stand by and wait for their next mission, though one month has passed since they were given those orders. Futoshi comments that the damage to the plantation has affected the water supply system, and they had to restrict their electricity usage. Their caretakers were gone too and food supply is delivered once a week. Kokoro, Futoshi and Miku helps with the laundry. Zero Two suddenly bangs a spoon against a pot to which Kokoro and Miku realize that she's on messenger duty this week.


Kokoro kisses Mitsuru.

After breakfast, Kokoro went to the greenhouse to water the plants, and Mitsuru suddenly went came to Kokoro and asked her to cut his hair. She was confused, questioning where that request came from but upon seeing Mitsuru timidly look down, she merrily accepted. As she cuts, Mitsuru wondered what he was hoping for with Hiro. He admitted that he was wrong and was probably using his grudge to carve out a niche for himself and now he has nothing. When she is done cutting, Kokoro tells him to look up and giggles when he looks. He asks if he looks weird, but she says he looks handsome. Kokoro gives him some words of comfort and says that if he understands that, he can start over. He smiles and says her saying that makes him feel like he can do anything, she's kind and gifted with her hands. Kokoro blushes and gets down on her knees and kisses him. Mitsuru is quite surprised and does not say anything. Kokoro, embarrassed, apologizes and runs away.

The girls bathe in the river. Miku asks if they have seen Mitsuru's hair, and as Kokoro becomes flustered, Miku realizes that it was Kokoro who cut it. Kokoro laughs.

The parasites meet in their living room and discuss their livings conditions. They sadly reflect on their vulnerability, so Zero Two says that they should cook their own food and everyone agrees.


Kokoro makes a salad.

Everyone helps out with dinner: Kokoro makes a salad and Mitsuru makes a dressing. When Hiro, Goro, and Zero Two comes back from fishing, Kokoro is impressed by their catches, especially Zero Two's. She and the others ask to fish as well. When Zero Two shows them the tricks to fishing, Kokoro is unsure if she can pull it out. Before they eat, they all marvel at how they were able to cook. Miku tries Kokoro's salad and says it's good, which makes Kokoro happy and she and Mitsuru smile at each other. Zorome is happy at what they've accomplished and tries to get Futoshi to eat. Futoshi accidentally drops the food and Mitsuru asks if he's okay. As he picks glass, Zorome tells him to quit forcing himself since he knows that Futoshi is forcing himself to eat and throwing it back up. Though Futoshi denies it, Zorome grabs his collar and begins crying and tells him to eat to survive. Zorome asks why Papa isn't getting in touch as he cries.


Kokoro and Miku listens to Hiro.

Later at evening, Mitsuru says that as FRANXX pilots, there's a limit to their lives. Miku cries as she says that she was worried too, but too scared to speak up. Kokoro leans against her. Everyone talks about their worries and Hiro then comments that it's fine if they were cast aside by Papa, stating that as long as he's with them, he would be fine. He tells them that there are more to their lives than piloting.

Episode 17: Eden


Kokoro reads her book.

Kokoro reads her baby book by the greenhouse. The 9's later arrive and they tell Squad 13 that they came to check on Papa's orders. The are to stay at Squad 13's house for a while.

During the evening, 9'δ looks through the hallway when she almost bumps into Kokoro. She holds her before she falls and asks if she's okay. Kokoro thanks her and asks what she's doing. She says that she's exploring the place and asks that she doesn't tell the others. She agrees to and bows after saying goodnight. On the ground, Delta notices Kokoro's baby handbook. Delta shows this to the other Nines and 9'α notes that it covers things that Papa hadn't taught anyone. Kokoro smiles as she plays with her doll in her room.

Kokoro makes a move on Mitsuru

Kokoro makes a move on Mitsuru.

The following day, Kokoro brushes Mitsuru's hair in the greenhouse. She says that, since the Nines are there, someone should be coming to get them soon. Mitsuru says that he'll be a bit sad to leave, since they only began spending time together after he came there. This makes Kokoro happy and begins patting his head. She slides her hand down the nape of his neck, much to his confusion. She says that his body is much tougher than a girl's. She rubs his chest and says that boys and girls have such different bodies, and there's a reason for it. Mitsuru is confused and Kokoro explains that she read that boys and girls can create new life by joining their bodies together. As she undoes his shirt, she says that she thinks that it represents hope for them. He shoves her hand away and stands, asking what she's doing.

Before she can explain, Zorome asks if they just tried to stick their bodies together and if they're imitating Hiro and Zero Two. Mitsuru zips up his shirt and asks if he needed something. He says that he was supposed to be on water duty, to which Mitsuru quickly says that he will. After Zorome stomps off, Mitsuru asks why she did that out of nowhere. Kokoro says she'd been thinking about it for a long time.

Later when Hiro and Mitsuru enter the living room, Miku says that he's there. Smiling, Ichigo says that Zorome told them about him and Kokoro. Futoshi suddenly grabs Mitsuru's collar and asks if they'd kissed. Kokoro looks down and blushes, and they realize they had. They are interrupted by the Nines entering the room.


Kokoro explains her thoughts.

9'α holds up the childbirth handbook and asks if they recognize it. With Kokoro and Mitsuru's reaction, he says that they do. He asks for an explanation from Kokoro, since she's the one who dropped it. He says that it's strange, since it wouldn't have been provided in the study there, and it doesn't belong to her. Kokoro apologizes for not telling them all. She turns to her squad and says she wants to make a baby. This confuses the other parasites and 9'α mockingly says that Papa had banned that. Goro asks Mitsuru if she said anything, and he fidgets uncomfortably.

Kokoro turns back to the Nines and asks if it's so bad since it's how all humans were born. Futoshi asks if Papa didn't create them and Kokoro explains that they were born like any other animal and it had always been like that for all living things. She says that she wants to leave something behind before she's gone and happily explains that their purpose in life isn't just to ride FRANXX; they could also carry new lives and leave them for the future. When she says that it made her happy to hear that, she is interrupted by 9'a calling her disgusting. When she turns to him, he says that she's disgusting. He explains that humans have evolved and cast their reproductive functions aside in the process. Reject that, and they all have to go back to conforming to one gender. He asks if gender isn't just a pain that's tolerated to operate the FRANXX. Kokoro has tears in her eyes and Mitsuru begins to say something, but Ikuno suddenly walks up and slaps him. Alpha then mocks Ikuno for her actions in being ruled by her actions and before she can attack him again, she is pulled back by Goro and Ichigo. Nana and Hachi appear and ask them to stop.

Kokoro is taken in to talk with Hachi and Nana. Nana exclaims that the recent event is why she didn't want to let the Nines in. Hachi says that Papa sent them, so they couldn't just turn them away. She says that they should put an end to their test now to which Kokoro asks what she means. Hachi says that it was on Dr. FRANXX's orders that they didn't contact them over the past month and that it would be their final test. Though they still monitored them, and know what she was trying to do with Mitsuru. Nana says that no one can speak of that, let alone do it. When Kokoro asks why they have organs for reproduction, Nana says to pilot the FRANXX. She is taken aback but then asks what her feelings are for then, and Nana has a blurred flashback and then swipes at Kokoro before clutching her head as she tells her to be quiet. Hachi orders Kokoro to return to her dorm and they'll give her her orders in time and she runs out of the room.


Kokoro and Mitsuru lie together.

Mitsuru sits in the greenhouse pondering about what to do, and he later determinedly leaves the greenhouse and goes to Kokoro's room, where he finds her crying on one of the beds. She says she was wrong and apologizes for trying to force him to go along with it. He tells her not to and says she wasn't forcing him to do anything. She says he's lying and tells him not to try and be nice and asks him to leave her alone. As she walks out, he grabs her arm and refuses. He pulls her into a hug and asks for her to lean on him more because he wants to make her happy. She asks if it is so bad to create a new life and if they aren't allowed to think about the future. He kisses her and she pulls him closer to her. They are later shown to be lying in one of the abandoned rooms, naked in each other's arms.

Episode 18: When the Sakura Blooms

Mitsuru wakes up after spending the night with Kokoro. They look out the window together where sakura petals float in the wind. He says it's beautiful and she agrees.

Hiro explains to the parasites that he wants to have a wedding. As they don't know what it is, Hiro explains that it is a ceremony where two people vows to always be together, and he says that Kokoro and Mitsuru will marry at this wedding. Kokoro and Mitsuru expresses how they really liked the idea and that they decided to do it before leaving Mistilteinn. Everyone voices their support, though they stop to check on Futoshi. While Kokoro tries to say something to him, Futoshi exclaims that he wants to play the priest so he can be right beside Kokoro and Mitsuru to congratulate them. Kokoro thanks him.

Zero Two shows Kokoro a drawing of a wedding dress and she asks what material they can use to make it. Miku and Ichigo collect curtains to do so and the girls makes Kokoro's wedding dress togehter. Elsewhere, Mitsuru makes rings for the wedding ceremony and hopes that Kokoro will like them. The parasites later paint and decorate their house and they all later pose for a picture.

MitsuruxKokoro wedding

Kokoro and Mitsuru's wedding.

The next day, Mitsuru paces at the bottom of the stairs. Kokoro comes down in her wedding dress and Mitsuru is clearly amazed by her, though he quickly becomes flustered and looks away. She takes his hand and says they'll find happiness together and he agrees and smiles. They then begin the ceremony, being congratulated by their friends and exchanging rings. Futoshi then tells the couple to exchange rings. After they do, Futoshi tells them to kiss. Before they can, they are interrupted by APE SP who tell them to freeze. Mitsuru and Kokoro attempt to escape but are stopped by the Nines. Alpha tells them that Papa said they were dangerous and need to be re-indoctrinated. Zero Two tries to protect them, but the other Nines are able to defeat her. APE then takes Mitsuru and Kokoro and tear them from each other. Kokoro screams out for Mitsuru and cries.

Weeks later at the Bird Nest, the parasites are able to meet Kokoro and Mitsuru again and everyone greets them and Hiro apologize for causing them trouble for suggesting the wedding. However, they don't remember the wedding nor each other, though they still have their rings. Kokoro later walks through a hall and appears to see a sakura tree, though it is actually a fragmented memory she had with Mitsuru.

Episode 19: Inhumanity

Futoshi shouts at Kokoro and says that she isn't changing his mind and storms off. Mitsuru asks what they were talking about, and she says he doesn't want to be her partner anymore and that he'll team up with Ikuno and he wants her to team up with Mitsuru. They're both confused, and Mitsuru says that they keep telling them all this stuff that happened between them, but neither of them remembers anything. He says he doesn't believe he'll develop feelings for her and she agrees.

Goro says that Mitsuru and Kokoro were implanted with fake memories. Ichigo wonders if their memories are lost forever. Futoshi asks if what they did warranted their memories being erased. Hiro asks Papa that Misturu and Kokoro's memories be returned. Papa refuses and says that they removed the unnecessary information and there is no way to return them. Hiro says that they took away Zero Two and his precious memories as well as Kokoro and Mitsuru's. He says they can't see him as their Papa and to set them free once the battle is over. Papa agrees, as long as they fulfill their duties in next mission.

Episode 20: A New World

Nana's replacement explains to the parasites that the Star Entity is now under their control and they'll be booting it up the next day. The FRANXX squads are tasked with keeping all enemies away from it.

Futoshi tells Goro that both Kokoro and Mitsuru took off their rings. Kokoro suddenly spills her water and runs to the bathroom to throw up. Miku, Ichigo, and Ikuno follow her and Ikuno says that it'd been happening a lot lately. Ichigo says maybe she shouldn't go along with the upcoming mission. She says she must for Papa, even if it would cost her. Miku hugs her and says that none of them are his and they have to leave their mark on the future, just like she said.

After the Parasite assembly, the 9's mock Squad 13. Zero Two steps forward and says they're all stronger than them, since they have their eyes on the future. This shocks Kokoro especially.

An announcer says that a klaxosaur pack is headed towards Gran Crevasse. The parasites all head out. Kokoro rubs her ring finger and Mitsuru says that since they were partners before, they should be able to connect. At the Gran Crevasse ruins, the FRANXX attack the klaxosaur. When Mitsuru compliments Kokoro, he has a pain in his head when saying her name. Genista struggles and Kokoro gets the same pain when saying "Mitsuru." While they are unable to fight, they are supported and defended by their teammates. However, they soon manage to return to the battle.

Episode 21: For You, My Love

Squad 13 helps Zero Two so she can go and save Hiro. Ikuno and Futoshi clear a path and let Zero Two go alone with Ichigo and Goro. Kokoro decides to stay behind to protect the others and to defeat the VIRM enemies, even though it might cost her life. Mitsuru is clearly worried but before he can say anything, Miku announces that she and Zorome will also stay behind helping them. Mitsuru agrees that they all should work together and although Kokoro is hesitant, she agrees.

Episode 22: Stargazers

Squad 13 works together harvesting plants to survive with the limited amount of rations left. During a meeting, Kokoro becomes nauseous and leaves to go rest. While working in the fields and seeing more klaxosaurs leave to fight VIRM, Kokoro suffers from nausea again and faints.

Kokoro finds out

Kokoro finds out that she's pregnant.

In the infirmary, the new Nana tells Kokoro she is pregnant. Kokoro is confused on what ‘pregnancy’ means. After being explained what it is, she is distraught as the new Nana explains a pregnant pistil cannot pilot a FRANXX and gives her the choice of terminating the pregnancy and continue piloting or keeping the baby but discontinue piloting before leaving. Kokoro begs for an answer on what she should do before Miku comforts her and sends the boys, including a shocked Mitsuru who realizes he is the father of her unborn child, out of the room.

Kokoro keeps to herself in her room holding her stomach, as she struggles with what to do. Mitsuru tries to see her but he is unable to bring himself to do so.

When Squad 13 gets ready to leave to go after Zero Two, Kokoro and Mitsuru stay behind because her pregnancy makes her incapable of piloting FRANXX.

Episode 23: DARLING in the FRANXX

As the other parasites leave for space, Kokoro asks Mitsuru why he stayed behind and he says he wanted to because it’s his responsibility. Kokoro says she doesn’t expect anything from him because they don’t remember.

Kokoro tends to Zero Two as new injuries start showing up on her body and she tries to stop Zero Two from walking away. Kokoro starts to feel hopeless because she is not a parasite anymore and she rubs her stomach.

The effects of the battle create a dangerous storm and Kokoro tries shielding Zero Two. Mitsuru orders her to get inside but she refuses because she wants to protect Zero Two. Mitsuru says it will be bad for her body but Kokoro breaks down that she is no longer a parasite and has nothing left to live for but the least she can do is protect Zero Two. To her surprise, Mitsuru says he will stay with them. She pleads with him to leave her alone and he doesn’t have to feel responsible but he insists he is not trying to be responsible and if she has nothing, then neither does he.

MitsuruxKokoro reconcile

Kokoro and Mitsuru reconcile.

However, he has found a reason to live: protecting her and their baby. He shows her his wedding ring and Kokoro asks why he still has it and he tells her that even though saying her name causes him pain and even if they don’t have their memories, they can start all over again. Kokoro shows she still has her wedding ring and cryingly calls out to Mitsuru.

When the storm passes, Kokoro and Mitsuru watch Zero Two suddenly smile and her body turns into a statue. They are then seen holding hands and wearing their wedding rings.

Episode 24: Never Let Me Go

Kokoro’s pregnancy starts to become obvious when she says her stomach is getting bigger. The new Nana makes arrangements to get her pregnancy clothes and have her monitored because she is the first parasite to bear a child. Kokoro requests she get no special treatment but the new Nana insists because, as the first pregnant parasite, Kokoro must set a precedent for the others. Kokoro later teaches some of the girls how to knit and Mitsuru asks her if she needs him to do anything but she assures him she is fine. Futoshi and Zorome run to Kokoro and offer her food they say is full of good nutrients, and she thanks them. They then get ready to head back to the fields and have to drag Mitsuru, who is reluctant to leave her.


Kokoro with her newborn daughter.

245 days since the gate passage, Kokoro gives birth to a baby girl. Mitsuru rushes to her hospital room and cries when he sees his daughter. Kokoro asks the baby, whom they name Ai, to call Mitsuru “papa”. Kokoro spends her time taking care of Ai and helping with day to day chores.

Two years later, Ai looks at Zero Two’s statue and begins saying “Darling”. Her parents hear this and alert everyone, who hold hands and send their thoughts to Hiro and Zero Two. After the two sacrifice themselves to destroy VIRM, Kokoro breaks down in tears and hugs Ai.

Mitsuru and Kokoro Family

Kokoro and Mitsuru's family.

Eight years pass and Kokoro attends a school ceremony with Mitsuru and it is revealed they had two more children and are expecting their fourth. The former Squad 13 later reunites at a cherry blossom tree that had grown from Zero Two’s ashes and they thank Hiro and Zero Two, speaking of the lessons they have learned from them.



Kokoro is the first to notice that something is wrong with Mitsuru, after he tried pilotting with Zero Two out of desperation to prove he was better than Hiro and was left traumatized. From there on, they have random walk-ins with one another mainly inside the greenhouse. Despite his aloof demeanor, she offers him help and advice, but, he refuses it and sees it as Kokoro is pitying him.

When exploring the abandoned city, Mitsuru speaks harshly to Kokoro and tells everyone that he can't look after all of them. Yet, nevertheless, he was the one to find Kokoro, who had wandered off on her own, and save her from being injured from falling debris. Despite seeing that Kokoro found a book and is taking it, Mitsuru keeps quiet about it and reminds her to not go off on her own. Even later on, Mitsuru says that the book is her matter, and not his, so, she shouldn't worry about him revealing its existence.

Kokoro shows great interest in Mitsuru, initiating conversations and topics with him, whenever they meet at the Greenhouse. She talks about plants and tells him their many names and meanings, and also talks about why humans stopped having children.

When the boys and girls start a "gender conflict", due to the events of Episode 08, Kokoro wonders if he is truly okay with talking to her and, just like Mitsuru, shows no interest in taking part of the "fight". However, unlike Mitsuru, she is not honest about it and praises him for being so open about his opinion.

By Episode 11, Kokoro shows further interest in Mitsuru, even going as far as to break her promise with Futoshi and become Mitsuru's partner. Despite Mitsuru's insistence that she was only doing it out of pity, Kokoro manages to talk it out with him and convince him to trust her and the others much more.

In Episode 16, Mitsuru went to the greenhouse and asked Kokoro to cut his hair. She was confused, questioning where that request came from but upon seeing Mitsuru timidly look down, she merrily accepted. Mitsuru remarked on how he had been unfair to Hiro and the guilt that he currently feels. Kokoro listened and comforted him, getting down on her knees and kissing him. Mitsuru was quite surprised and Kokoro apologized over and over for acting to her instinct.

In Episode 17, Kokoro, due to her growing feelings for Mitsuru and her desire to bear a child, made a sudden sexual proposition to Mitsuru. He was confused and rebuffed her. Kokoro later opened up her feelings about wanting to have a child to leave a mark in the future, but she was berated by the Nines for this and she was saddened. Soon after that, Mitsuru comforted Kokoro, leading to a passionate kiss and they have sex for the first time. They begin secretly meeting in one of the abandoned rooms to spend their nights together.

In Episode 18, Kokoro and Mitsuru decide to have an outdoor wedding, but the 9’s quickly inform Papa of this and the two are detained in the middle of their wedding. They are later reincorporated back into Unit 13 with no recollection of their past memories, as Papa had brainwashed them both into believing false memories about one another. Kokoro and Mitsuru talk to each other about how the squad believes that they were once in a serious relationship, but Mitsuru and Kokoro both agree that they would never do such a thing in the first place. Kokoro attempts to become partners again with Futoshi, but he insists that she stay with Mitsuru.

In Episode 20, the two take off their wedding rings. While Futoshi and Goro are talking about this, Kokoro suddenly becomes sick due to morning sickness, tossing her cup of water to the floor, and rushes to a nearby bathroom. Ichigo and the others look on in sorrow as Kokoro tries to explain how she will continue to fight for Papa regardless. Later in the episode, despite wanting nothing to do with each other, Mitsuru and Kokoro decide to pilot together, and they do a very well job in the beginning of the battle. However, while giving a compliment to Kokoro, he accidentally calls her by her nickname (“Kokoro”) and triggers a memory as a painful flash. With no recollection of the past, the two are fear-stricken and shut down their FRANXX in the middle of the fight, forcing Ichigo to come to their aid and protect them. They do not continue in the fight afterwards.

In Episode 22, Kokoro finds out she is pregnant with Mitsuru’s child. Faced with the choice of terminating the pregnancy and continue piloting or keeping the baby and quit piloting, she is left feeling distraught on what she should do. Mitsuru is so shocked by the news he falls to the ground and later expresses his own dilemma on what he should do. He tries to see Kokoro as she ponders this alone but he still doesn’t know what to do. Because Kokoro is unable to pilot a Franxx due to her pregnancy, she and Mitsuru don’t accompany the rest of Sqaud 13 to help Hiro save Zero Two while she is subconsciously battling the VIRM.

In Episode 23, Kokoro makes it known to Mitsuru that she doesn’t expect anything from him due to their memory loss despite his insistence that he wants to support her. Afterwards, Kokoro tells Mitsuru she has nothing left to live for since she’s not a parasite anymore. Disagreeing, Mitsuru says that if she has nothing, he doesn’t either but his reason for living now is to protect her and their child, and and wants to start over with her. They show each others wedding rings that they kept, and they were seen holding hands together wearing back their wedding rings.

In Episode 24, when her pregnancy becomes more obvious, Mitsuru becomes protective of her and Kokoro appreciates his support. When she gives birth to their daughter, Ai, Mitsuru sheds tears and Kokoro asks Ai to call him “papa”. Their relationship becomes more affectionate following the birth. After the 10-year timeskip, they are still happily married and have three children with a fourth on the way.


She gets along exceedingly well with her partner, comforting and complimenting him. During their first time in Genista they flash each other a thumbs up in the cockpit before beginning, and Kokoro reassures him he did a good job as they take their first steps.

They seem to have, as Zorome describes, a "lovey-dovey" relationship. In Episode 05, Kokoro offers Futoshi the seat next to her when Zero Two takes his spot, and she then hand-feeds him toast, imitating what Zero Two is doing to Hiro.

Despite their interactions, it is revealed by Episode 11 that Kokoro seemed to hold back her true feelings with Futoshi, showing that she did not feel the same as he did. Later, this led her to breaking their promise and switching partners, devastating Futoshi. However, Kokoro admits feeling bad about it and tells Mitsuru that she thinks of herself as a bad person for having done it.

By Episode 12, Kokoro has demonstrated no further apprehension of what she did, although, she seems to be on good terms with Futoshi, especially after Mitsuru promises to protect Kokoro.

They remained friendly, so much so that Futoshi shows his full support for Kokoro and Mitsuru’s relationship when they make it known and he even presided over their wedding, and congratulates them after their daughter’s birth.


As they were friends since childhood, they maintain a close relationship.


Ai is Kokoro and Mitsuru’s daughter. Although she was shocked to find out she was pregnant and undecided on what to do, Kokoro came to love her child and, when Ai was born, Kokoro became a loving mother to her daughter.


Kokoro's nickname may use some of the numeral's readings from her real name "Code:556": ko, an alternative spelling of "5" and ro as in 6 ( (ろく) , roku). Kokoro is also the Japanese word for "heart", reflecting Kokoro's caring and kindhearted personality.


DARLING in the FRANXX appearances
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12
Episode 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24



"I believe in you, Mitsuru."—Kokoro
"We lived our lives believing our only purpose was to ride the FRANXX into battle. But you know what? That might not be true! We could carry new lives and leave them for the future. When I learned about that, I was very happy"—Episode 17; Kokoro says this to Squad 13 and the 9's


  • Kokoro is the first parasite to give birth to a child.
    • Kokoro's codename "556" and Mitsuru’s codename "326" when added together, equals 882, which can be read as "hahani", which means “to become a mother”.
    • This foreshadows the conception and birth of their child.


STAMEN Hiro | Goro | Zorome | Futoshi | Mitsuru
PISTIL Zero Two | Ichigo | Miku | Kokoro | Ikuno
OTHER Naomi | Old Woman | 081 | 090 | 245 | 9'α | 9'β | 9'γ | 9'δ | 9'ε | 9'ζ | VIRM
APE Papa | Vice Chairman | Gorilla | Marmoset | Lemur | Baboon | Tarsier
Dr. FRANXX | Hachi | Nana
FRANXX Strelizia | Delphinium | Argentea | Genista | Chlorophytum | Standard | 9 Model
EPISODES 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12
13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24
CHAPTERS 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
MUSIC KISS OF DEATH | Torikago | Manatsu no Setsuna | Beautiful World
Hitori | CÅGE | Vanquish | Escape | Darling
LOCATIONS Cerasus | Garden | Chrysanthemum | Gran Crevasse | Cosmos